
Installation of the new multi-spindle automatic lathe
In July ’23, the urgently needed expansion of the machine park took place with a further CNC multi-spindle automatic lathe. This is now the fifth machine of its kind and supports the increasing demand for our products.

Photovoltaic systems for a further step towards CO2 neutrality
On the way to climate-neutral production, we installed two photovoltaic systems on almost the entire roofs of our production and office buildings in 2022 and 2023. With the 75 kWp, we can cover up to 80 % of our electricity requirements.

Exceptional anniversary
Corina Krell celebrated an extraordinary anniversary with the entire workforce on 01.05.23. Exactly 40 years ago, she started out in the company’s own photo lab, making stencils for the Nylo-Print metal printing process. A few years later, she switched to the Lang engraving machines and has been working as an engraver for date clocks in brass, aluminum and steel ever since. In the picture, Heidelore and Michael Marquardt congratulate the jubilarian.

Company outing on the 40th company anniversary
The invitation by the management for an outing with Segways was accepted with greatenthusiasm. In most wonderful weather we went with the complete personnel to AuerbachCastle near Bensheim. After partaking of coffee and cake we turned towards home, where theanniversary was celebrated further by good food and drink.

Biotope for flora and fauna
In spring 2018 we converted a large area of our previously unused plot into a wildflowermeadow as a habitat for flora and wildlife.

Acquisition of a new climbing frame
In October 2017 Messrs Marquardt GmbH & Co.KG rendered it possible for the Sarolta day-care centre to acquire a new climbing frame by a generous donation.

Exercise by the Voluntary fire brigade
In July 2017 our company site was chosen for an exercise by the Voluntary fire brigade ofFränkisch Crumbach. The assumption was of a fire in a workshop and several missing persons.